Wednesday 3 December 2014

About Me


I enjoy the way that dry shampoo helps me pretend that I’ve really got it together. I am constantly over-thinking and planning twenty steps ahead, and yet I am consistently ten minutes late. I am always caught between my passion for clean eating and my firm belief in candy. Sometimes I’ll forget to tell myself to stop being so obnoxious and you’ll catch me going on about my love of exercise, lifting weights, running and all that annoying jazz. There is always music going on over here and, if you asked me what I'm listening to, I’d proudly announce something super hip and obscure but secretly I’m a sucker for something that rhymes with One Shmashemction. Much to my husband’s dismay, I love DIY’s, buying people's unwanted stuff, and finding things that I can’t turn down at Target. One of my favourite activities is forcing my family to spend an entire day at Ikea. I also love tea, singing, reading, home design, tv, fashion, and writing, although I'm the furthest thing from an expert on any of those subjects.


You know those adorable grumpy sitcom characters that are played by young cute guys but act like old men? That’s Matt. His favorite things include Werthers candy, obscure movies that are really meant for middle-aged women, telling his wife to stop turning up the thermostat, and falling asleep at the late hour of eight pm. He is also really great at fixing pretty much anything and putting up with a lot of sad tears and whining every time he leaves the house, because we all think he’s pretty great.


Hide yo paper, hide yo recycling because Theo’s crafting ever’thing are here. Wondering where that empty paper towel roll got to? Surprise! It’s now a pinata. Don’t ask him to talk publicly about his inventions though. He’s a shy one and would prefer if people would stop looking at him. Now. When he does let you get to know him though, you’ll see he’s smart and thoughtful and secretly loves hugs even though he pretends that he’s too busy for them. He also loves winning and eating.


Queen of the eyeroll, Lu is one of the sassiest children around but she’s equally a sweetheart. Her answer to being told that girls can do whatever they want to do is that she sees herself succeeding at more of a traditional career, like a princess. She loves ALL the pretties and mothering anything that won’t run away from her or that would dare to try and touch her hair. She could read all day and can usually be heard singing or hollering at the top of her lungs.


Clementine is our resident sweetheart who charms us with her irresistible baby ways. She prefers her Mama to everyone else in the world and wants to spend every waking and sleeping minute with her. She is quiet and always observing the chaos with her bright moon-eyes. She loves music and is more likely to show you her dancing than try to chat. Her favorite activities include eating, making loud noises of satisfaction while eating, and turning her head really quickly while you open wrappers to make sure you're not eating without her.

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